Eastern Reliability

Cylindrical Horizontal Tanks

Cylindrical horizontal tanks (IHT, AHT) are available in various sizes and configurations.

Consult factory for specific drawings or configurations. Factory approved steel support stands are required for all cylindrical horizontal tanks.

Horizontal stands are standard with epoxy primer and top coat.

Cylindrical Horizontal Tanks

Model Number Capacity (US Gallons) Dimensions (inches) Weight (lbs) Linear and Cross-link Polyethylene Stand Weight (Lbs) Access Opening (inches)
Diameter Length 1.5 Sp. Gravity 1.9 Sp. Gravity 2.2 Sp. Gravity
IHT 1000 1000 49 140 325 400 477 230 16
IHT 1650 1650 59 157 500 600 733 290 16
IHT 2500 2500 64 191 650 770 953 1100 21

Model number availability and individual specifications subject to change without notice. Gallonage and weights are approximate. All wall thicknesses conform to ASTM D-1998.

Free-Standing Horizontal Leg Tanks

Free-standing horizontal storage tanks (IHFS) are like the horizontal tanks above, except they have molded-in legs requiring no steel cradle support.

Materials and features are similar to vertical and conical tanks.

Free Standing Horizontal Tanks